Call for Workshops

Wisconsin Wetlands Association invites you to submit a proposal for our 30th Annual Wetland Science Conference, which will be held February 25-27, 2025. We expect to host an in-person conference in La Crosse, WI.

Workshops offer opportunities for participants to learn and apply new skills and methodologies. All workshops should advance knowledge-building on topics related to wetland science, management, and communications. Workshop organizers will be responsible for recruiting instructors and facilitators for their session.

We are planning for an in-person conference, so we seek proposals for in-person workshops. Workshop length and timing within the conference week is flexible. If you have a workshop that you are interested in hosting but have questions, please contact Katie Beilfuss, WWA Outreach Programs Director, at 608-250-9971 x3 orĀ to discuss your ideas.

Proposal Deadline: September 30, 2024

More information

Organizer responsibilities

All workshops must have a lead organizer who serves as the primary point of contact. This person should be readily available by email in the months leading up to the conference and is expected to be present at the workshop. Organizers are responsible for ensuring that all instructors/facilitators taking part in their workshop register for the conference before the deadline for registration. Reduced early bird registration rates are available.


WWA will provide the physical room space and basic audio-visual equipment (projector, screen, mic, podium). If instructors have direct costs for leading the workshop (including instructor conference registration, travel, supplies, catering, special AV equipment), WWA can cover these costs by charging a small fee to anyone registering for the workshop. Thus, workshop leaders should inform WWA staff about these costs in advance so an appropriate workshop registration fee can be set. We strive to keep workshop fees low so cost does not pose a barrier to participation.

Suggestions for workshop topics
  • Wetland community, soil, plant (e.g., willow, grass, lichens, common invasives), or wildlife (e.g., odonates, butterflies, anurans, bird, bird calls) identification
  • Techniques for effectively communicating wetland science to non-science audiences
  • Demonstration of new tool/product of interest to wetland professionals (e.g., drones for surveys and management assessment; hardware/software for field data collection and management; products for protecting wetlands from damage during construction)
  • Wetland restoration or specific management techniques (e.g., wild rice management, aquatic invasive species in wetlands management, transforming agricultural land to wetland, evaluation of sites from a climate change perspective, role of fire)
  • Policy related topics (e.g., wetland regulations, state funding sources, wetland delineation)
  • Use of volunteers to monitor wetlands (e.g., recruiting, training suggestions)
  • Overview of how private groups are involved (i.e., under contract to state agencies, conservation groups, mitigation projects, speculative mitigation banks, etc.)
  • Wetlands in pollinator conservation and ethnobotany
  • Regulatory workshop – Corps NWPs and WI wetland regulations/permits
Review process

Proposals will be evaluated by members of the Conference Advisory Panel based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to conference vision/topics and attendees
  • Potential to bring in participants to the conference from different audiences
  • Overall quality of the submission
  • Provides a hands-on, collaborative, and/or active learning environment for attendees
Submit your Workshop proposal

Submit your workshop proposal here.

Proposals are due September 30, 2024.

The form asks you to provide the following information:

  • Workshop title & description
  • Instructor(s) name & contact info
  • How long (in minutes) do you want your Workshop to last?
  • Special scheduling considerations (e.g. sessions your Workshop could not be concurrent with)?
  • Minimum and Maximum # of participants
  • Funding needs (e.g., instructor stipend, instructor registration fees, supplies, catering)
  • What is your preferred timing for your Workshop (Tuesday PM, Wednesday AM, Wednesday PM, Thursday AM, or Thursday PM)
  • If public health conditions require WWA to pivot and host an all-virtual conference, are you willing to host the Workshop virtually