Call for Working Groups

Wisconsin Wetlands Association invites you to host a working group at our 30th Annual Wetland Science Conference, which will be held February 25-27, 2025. We expect to host an in-person conference in La Crosse, WI.

Working groups are your chance to dive into focused topics, discuss issues and concerns with a group of colleagues facing similar challenges, or develop action plans on particular topics. Working Group facilitators are expected to provide a framework for the session, which may also include some formal presentations in addition to open dialogue.

Proposal Deadline: September 30, 2024

Screenshot of a roundtable discussion's Zoom meeting.

More information

Organizer responsibilities

Working Group facilitators are responsible for planning the agenda/flow of the session, recruiting any facilitators, and running the session. They are also encouraged to promote their session to conference attendees they want to have attend the Working Group.

Working Group facilitators need to coordinate with WWA regarding room set and AV needs well ahead of the conference.

Working Group format and audience

Working Groups are open to all conference attendees. We do not require pre-sign up for Working Groups. Some Working Groups may be offered on a by-invitation-only basis.

Working Groups are intended for Wetland Science Conference attendees only.  If you need to include people who are not otherwise attending the conference to provide technical support for the meeting or to contribute key information to the discussion, or if you need to make an alternative arrangement about attendees, please contact well in advance of the conference to discuss.

Suggestions for Working Group topics

We invite you to host a working group at the Wetland Science Conference. Working Groups are your chance to dive into focused topics, discuss issues and concerns with a group of colleagues facing similar challenges, or develop action plans on particular topics.

Two regular Working Groups held at the Wetland Science Conference include:

  • Tribal Wetland Programs Working Group
  • Practitioners’ Working Group
Review process

Conference planners will review proposals for Working Groups and do our best to accommodate them in the program schedule. While we hope to be able to accommodate all submissions, we cannot guarantee that we will have time or space to do so. We will be in touch with you about your proposal by the end of November.

Submit your Working Group proposal

Submit your Working Group proposal here.

Proposals are due September 30, 2024.

The form asks you to provide the following information:

  • Working Group title & description
  • Name, affiliation, contact info for co-host(s)/co-facilitator(s)
  • How long (in minutes) do you want your Working Group to last?
  • Special scheduling considerations (e.g. sessions your Working Group could not be concurrent with)?
  • What is your preferred timing for your Working Group (Tuesday PM, Wednesday AM, Wednesday PM, Thursday AM, or Thursday PM)
  • If public health conditions require WWA to pivot and host an all-virtual conference, are you willing to host the Working Group virtually