Working groups
Working groups are your chance to dive into focused topics, discuss issues and concerns with a group of colleagues facing similar challenges, or develop action plans on particular topics.
Working group participants must be registered for the conference, however no advanced sign-up is required to participate in working group conversations. Please note that these sessions may be held concurrent with other conference content (workshops, roundtable conversations, field trips, and concurrent sessions) so check the conference schedule before you sign up.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Stream and Floodplain Restoration Permitting Working Group
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
The purpose of this working group is to bring together Wisconsin-based wetland and stream restoration practitioners and regulators with professionals from other states to discuss issues related to permits and zoning requirements for wetland, stream, and floodplain restoration projects. The session will place a particular emphasis on working in FEMA-mapped floodplains. Discussion likely to include topics such as when H&H analyses are needed; applying best available data and design tools when official maps do not reflect current conditions; and how state and federal policies and programs could be adjusted to better enable and encourage floodplain reconnection work in Wisconsin and beyond.
Facilitators: Erin O’Brien (Wisconsin Wetlands Association) and Sara Strassman (Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort)
Tribal Wetland Programs Working Group - By Invitation Only
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm
The Region 5 Tribal Wetlands Working Group (TWWG) is a tribally-led collaborative that includes tribal wetland staff from across EPA Region 5 (WI, MN, MI, and IN). The mission of the TWWG is to facilitate collaboration and networking among Region 5 Tribes to build tribal program capacity and staff expertise related to wetland management, monitoring, restoration, and conservation. This meeting will include updates from attendees on wetland-related work from their respective tribes, as well as updates on the TWWG. The moderator will solicit input regarding the next steps for the TWWG. There will also be time for open discussion to cover any emerging wetland-related issues or opportunities for collaboration. Attendance for this meeting is by invitation only, and will include Region 5 tribal wetland/water/natural resources staff. Staff from agencies and organizations that work in wetland conservation and management on behalf of tribes (e.g., BIA, GLIFWC, WTCAC) will be invited as well. Attendees should come prepared with updates regarding their tribe’s or organization’s wetland-related activities over the past year, including accomplishments, challenges, upcoming projects, and staffing changes. Any feedback on the TWWG, including which tasks staff would like to see the group focus on, would be greatly appreciated. Attendees should also bring ideas for open discussion if there are any wetland topics or questions that would benefit from group feedback and discussion. By invitation only.
Facilitators: Alexis DeGabriele (Little River Band of Ottawa Indians) and Mike Jones (Stockbridge-Munsee Community Ecology Department)
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Practitioners' Working Group
Time: 1:30 – 2:50 pm
This session offers an opportunity for wetland practitioners—including consultants, federal, state, and local regulators, land managers, and others—to discuss current issues relevant to their daily work. The agenda will be set by the facilitator with the input of those who participated in similar sessions at previous WWA conferences.
Facilitators: Kaley Simonis (Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.) and Matthew Knickelbine (Stantec)