Conference program
Explore the full schedule for the 2020 Wetland Science Conference below. Click here for a printable PDF of the Schedule-at-a-Glance.
For full abstracts and presenter biographies, download the Abstracts & Bios booklet here.
* denotes a student presentation competition participant.
How to Download the Conference App
The conference app is available on IOS and Android devices. If you have questions about downloading the app, email or stop by the registration desk during the conference.
- From your mobile device’s App Store, search for Events@TNC.
- Download Events@TNC and open the app on your phone.
- On Android, click on Find Guides at the bottom of the screen and enter the passphrase 2020wetlands. On IOS, click on Enter Passphrase and enter the passphrase 2020wetlands.
- Once you enter the passphrase, click Download Guide.
Tuesday February 18th
8:00 – 5:00 Wetland Processes as the Foundation for Wetland Management (Crystal Lake Room)
Sponsored by Wisconsin DNR, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Ducks Unlimited
SOLD OUT This special classroom training is your chance to learn and apply new skills and methodologies for wetland management. Pre-registration for the special training is required. Add your name to the waiting list. Learn more.
6:00 – 9:00 Conference Kickoff Social and WWA Annual Meeting (Elkhart Lake Ballroom)
Catch up with your wetland colleagues and friends while enjoying light snacks and a cash bar. Hear highlights from WWA’s work in 2019 and meet and vote for candidates for WWA’s Board of Directors during a brief Annual Membership Meeting. This fun event kicks off Wisconsin Wetlands Association’s 2020 Wetland Science Conference. Learn more about this event on our networking page.
Wednesday February 19th
9:00 – 10:10 Plenary Session (Grand Libelle Ballroom)
Sponsored by Sterling
9:00 Welcome and Opening Comments
9:20 Conference Keynote: A Clear Path to Collaborative Wetland Restoration: Achieving Results at Scale. Joanne Marchetta, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
10:10 – 10:40 Break (Villa Gottfried Room & Foyer)
Sponsored by Heartland Ecological Group
10:40 – 12:00 Concurrent Sessions
Wetland Challenges
Location: Palm Garden A
Moderator: Jason Granberg
Session Details
10:40 Webster: Efficacy of non-native Phragmites treatment and impact on wetland plant communities in northeast WI
11:00 Scherer: Wisconsin Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Program updates
11:20 O’Brien, M.*: Invasive cattail residence time affects plant communities and below-ground processes
11:40 Garcia: Are microsattelite markers useful in detection of invasive plant species? A case study with Typha domingensis
* denotes presenter is participating in the student presentation competition
WWA in Action
Location: Palm Garden BC
Moderator: Katie Beilfuss
Session Details
10:40 O’Brien, E.: Making every action count: Advancing a wetland conservation vision for Wisconsin
11:00 Magyera: Using wetlands to solve problems: Highlights and lessons from the field
11:20 Western Hauser: Legislative updates and new WWA initiatives
11:40 Panel discussion and Q&A with WWA staff re: vision, projects, and legislative initiatives
Science-informed Policy
Location: Palm Garden DE
Moderator: Tom Bernthal
Session Details
10:40 Robertson: Redefining WOTUS 1: A GIS-based model to predict the spatial extent of federally-protected waters and wetlands
11:00 Miller: Redefining WOTUS 2: An assessment of potential impacts to Wisconsin wetlands and wetland services
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch (Grand Libelle Ballroom)
Sponsored by Cardno
1:30 – 3:10 Concurrent Sessions
Wetlands 101
Location: Palm Garden A
Moderator: Dreux Watermolen
Session Details
1:30 O’Connor: Swamp, bog, or fen? An introduction to wetland types of Wisconsin
1:50 Seilheimer: Diversity and renewal in Wisconsin’s Great Lakes coastal wetlands
2:10 Casper: Developing bioacoustic tools for wetland wildlife monitoring
2:30 Bernthal: WFQA 1: Floristic Quality Assessment for monitoring wetland plant community health: Theory, metrics, uses
2:50 Trochlell: WFQA 2: How to use the WDNR timed-meander survey protocol and WFQA calculator
Wetlands & Water Management
Location: Palm Garden BC
Moderator: Drew Fowler
Session Details
1:30 Fleener: Prioritization of wetland infrastructure: An agency’s approach to strategically manage impounded wetlands
1:50 Kraszewski: Challenges and benefits of a large wetland restoration in an urban environment
2:10 Lennie: Badger Mill Creek and its wetlands: A tale in watershed planning and implementation
2:30 Ahearn: Isotope tracers in nutrient source tracking (NST) of nitrate in surface and groundwater
2:50 Fowler: Wetland management through the lenses of the Wetland Review Process: What, why, and how
Special Sessions
Session Details
1:30-2:50 (Location: Palm Garden DE) Book Club with Ben Goldfarb
2:10-3:10 (Location: Palm Garden F) Tribal Wetland Programs Working Group (by invitation only) Faciltated by Randy Poelma, Ho-Chunk Nation
Made possible with support from the Forest County Potawatomi Foundation
3:10 – 3:40 Break (Villa Gottfried Room & Foyer) (Grand Ballroom and Foyer)
Sponsored by Ho-Chunk Nation
3:40 – 5:00 Concurrent Sessions
Wetlands & People I
Location: Palm Garden A
Moderator: Sue Schumacher
Session Details
3:40 Grill: Connecting Milwaukee youth to urban wetlands
4:00 Mossman: How many people does it take to protect a Riverway?
4:20 Beilfuss: New video suite: Landowners caring for wetlands
4:40 Highsmith: Mary Linton wetland poetry session
Wetland Flora & Plant Communities
Location: Palm Garden BC
Moderator: Nick Miller
Session Details
3:40 Cooper: Climate-vulnerability of coastal wetlands in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
4:00 Milburn: Calcareous fens in northwest Minnesota
4:20 Oines*: Influence of flooding and gap size on the fate of UMRS floodplain forest canopy gaps
4:40 Marti: Clear as muck: Wetland soil physiochemistry as a driver of wetland plant community condition across Wisconsin
* denotes presenter is participating in the student presentation competition
Working Groups
Session Details
3:40-5:00 (Location: Palm Garden DE) Wetland Review Working Group Facilitated by Drew Fowler
3:40-5:00 (Location: Palm Garden F) In Lieu Fee Wetland Restoration Priority Planning Working Group Facilitated by Thomas Pearce
5:00 – 6:30 Poster Session and Cash Bar (Villa Gottfried Room & Foyer)
Poster Session Sponsored by Wisconsin Coastal Management Program
Featured posters
Bethel, Adrian * – Population dynamics of the rare orchid Neottia convallarioides in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Haines, Anna – County government approaches to protecting, restoring, and managing wetlands
Hennen, Sadie * – Hydrostratigraphy of natural and constructed wetlands in Cumberland District, Daniel Boone National Forest, KY
Lauscher, Taylor * – Phosphorus determination in the West Fond du Lac River
Li, Yu * – Relationships between stream nutrient concentrations and wetlands in the Yahara River watershed
Mohammadi, Rose * – Constructing a habitat suitability model for invasive European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae)
Mossman, Mike – Lower Wisconsin Riverway: A new Ramsar Wetland of International Importance?
Noll, Christopher – Floristic composition of major wetland community types across four level 3 Omernik ecoregions
Pociask, Geoff – Differentiating hydrologic conditions to support coastal wetland functional assessments in Illinois
St. John, Logan * – Combined impacts of invasive hybrid cattail and European Frogbit on Great Lakes wetlands
Staffen, Amy – Climate change adaptation at two wetland sites
* denotes presenter is participating in the student poster presentation competition
6:30 – 9:30 Banquet and Presentation (Grand Libelle Ballroom)
Sponsored by We Energies & Wisconsin Public Service
7:30 Banquet Presentation: Dam It: Seeing Beavers as Restoration Partners Ben Goldfarb, Author, Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter. This is a ticketed event. See our banquet page for more information and how to purchase tickets.
Thursday February 20th
8:30 – 9:20 Plenary Session (Grand Libelle Ballroom)
Sponsored by TBA
8:30 Welcome
8:40 Plenary Address: Telling the Wetlands Story in an Era of Information Overload: Matthew L. Miller, Director of Science Communications, The Nature Conservancy
9:30 – 10:30 Concurrent Sessions
Wetland Conservation in Agricultural Landscapes
Location: Palm Garden A
Moderator: Thomas Pearce
Session Details
9:30 Maile: Developing a wetland management program in the prairie region of Minnesota
9:50 Taylor: Identifying actually restorable wetlands in the Rock River Basin
10:10 Gall: Wetland creation and management: Planning and execution of degraded farm field restoration
Effective Wetland Restoration & Management Techniques I
Location: Palm Garden BC
Moderator: Matt Angerhofer
Session Details
9:30 Salas: Focusing management: Setting priorities when there’s more needs than time
9:50 Del Prete: Web-based GIS as a means to track spatial and temporal treatments of wetland invasive species
10:10 Potter*: Hyrdologic investigation of Wisconsin’s Chiwaukee Prairie and adjacent Nature Conservancy restoration site CANCELLED
* denotes presenter is participating in the student presentation competition
Aquatic Plant and Communication Workshops SOLD OUT
Session Details
9:30-12:00 (Location: Palm Garden DE) Identification and Biology of Wisconsin’s Aquatic Plants Instructor: Paul Skawinski
*Pre-registration required. Register here.*
9:30-12:00 (Location: Palm Garden F) Story Time: Become an Effective Wetland Communicator Instructor: Matthew L. Miller
*Pre-registration required. SOLD OUT; add your name to the waiting list. Register here.*
10:30 – 11:00 Break (Villa Gottfried Room & Foyer)
Sponsored by TRC Companies, Inc.
11:00 – 12:00 Concurrent Sessions
Wetlands & People II
Location: Palm Garden A
Moderator: Travis Olson
Session Details
11:00 Bradshaw: Wisconsin duck hunters and wetland conservation
11:20 Robson: Community-based wetland monitoring: Citizen science in action
11:40 Englund: Providing a clear vision for wetlands during times of change through effective guidance
Effective Wetland Restoration & Management Techniques II
Location: Palm Garden BC
Moderator: Travis Schroeder
Session Details
11:00 Sulman: Five years of wetland response to vegetation management at Deer Grove West Nature Preserve
11:20 Rice: Sheboygan River AOC: Long-term planning for aquatic and wetland habitat restoration success
Aquatic Plant and Communication Workshops (cont’d) SOLD OUT
Session Details
9:30-12:00 (Location: Palm Garden DE) Identification and Biology of Wisconsin’s Aquatic Plants, continued
*Pre-registration required. Register here.*
9:30-12:00 (Location: Palm Garden F) Story Time: Become an Effective Wetland Communicator, continued
*Pre-registration required. SOLD OUT; add your name to the waiting list. Register here.*
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch (Grand Libelle Ballroom)
Sponsored by Stantec
1:30 – 4:30 Field Trips, Working Groups, and Workshops
Working Group: Practitioners
Location: Palm Garden A
Facilitated by Dan Salas Learn more.
Field trip: Explore A Wetland Gem®: Nichols Creek State Wildlife Area
Field trip leader: Josh Jackl
All field trips will meet at the Conference Center Entrance by 1:20 to depart by bus. Pre-registration is required. Register here.
Learn more about our field trips.
Thank you to NES Ecological Services for their generous sponsorship of this trip.
Workshop: Amphibian Identification
Location: Palm Garden BC
Instructors: Rori Paloski, Josh Kapfer, and Rich Staffen Learn more.
*Pre-registration is required. Register here.
Field trip: Managing Cattails and Partnerships in the Sheboygan Marsh SOLD OUT
Field trip leaders: Aaron Brault and Jon Gumtow.
All field trips will meet at the Conference Center Entrance by 1:20 to depart by bus. Pre-registration is required. Register here.
Learn more about our field trips.
Thank you to Merjent for their generous sponsorship of this trip.
Workshop: Introduction to Common Wisconsin Sedges
Location: Palm Garden DE
Instructors: Pat Trochlell and Steve Eggers Learn more.
*Pre-registration is required. Register here.
Field Trip: Snowshoes and Wetlands: Traverse the Kettle Moraine
Field trip leaders: Jackie Scharfenburg and Dale Katsma
All field trips will meet at the Conference Center Entrance by 1:20 to depart by bus. Pre-registration is required. Register here.
Learn more about our field trips.
Thank you to American Transmission Company for their generous sponsorship of this trip.
Workshop: Scenario Modeling of the Impacts of Groundwater Withdrawal on Calcerous Fens
Location: Palm Garden F
Instructors: David Bart, Steven Loheide, Eric Booth, and Tom Bernthal Learn more.
*Pre-registration is required. Register here.